Coming Soon



Trevor Hough
Founder and CEO

Trevor is experienced Organisational Development consultant and a registered Clinical Psychologist with over 18 years’ experience in both the clinical and organisational fields. Trevor’s primary focus is on the relationship between people and the systems in which they function. Prior to founding Snapp360, Trevor built a successful international consulting practice developing leaders, facilitating change, and enhancing the organisational systems design and strategy of both public companies and small, innovative startups. Trevor has a MSc Clinical Psychology from the Medical University of Southern Africa and a B.SocSci (Hons) Psychology from the University of KwaZulu-Natal..

bio-markMark Henderson
Board Member & General Partner, Cape Capital Partners

Mark has been an Internet entrepreneur and innovator for over 20 years, beginning his career in London in the nineties, where he led the engineering team that developed the first web presence for both Marks & Spencer and Thomas Cook. Mark also launched the world’s second web-based email service in mid nineties. He went on to consult internationally to startups and global blue chip companies and start technology companies in Cape Town, London and San Francisco. With firsthand experience of Silicon Valley’s boom and bust cycles, Mark is keenly aware of both the lessons and opportunities they bring.


1161 Mission St
San Francisco
CA 94103